Izabella Lauterpakht

Izabella Lautrepakht

My career started during Soviet times. I worked as a technical translator and an English language teacher.

In 1989 my husband and I opened one of the first private language schools in Moscow, System - 3 Language and Communication School, teaching communication skills in English and other European languages, preparing adults and children for language examinations. And then the whole fascinating world of travel abroad opened to us after 70 years of Iron Curtain.

In 1994 I started to council students for the language training abroad and education abroad travelling to the UK and the States, visited language schools and summer programmes. System-3 Education was opened as the department of the company dealing with education abroad first for students of the System-3 Language School gradually becoming an agency and a consulting center for students and parents from all over Russia and beyond.

In 1996 we started to work with British Boarding Schools and Tutorial colleges then with Canadian Schools and then schools in the United States. Many of the pupils who were placed over the years and their parents are still in contact with us sharing their experience and asking for advice.

The best schools and different pathway programs are the route to the best university and college choice for a particular student. We added university counseling and placement service to our portfolio working with dozens of universities, Business schools, Art and Music schools and colleges all over the world including all of Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, UAE
